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Lectures, Panels and Workshops (highlights)



Oracle for Transfeminist Futures, presentation to Ford Tech Policy Fellows (virtual)


Speculative TransFeminist Futures: from imagination to action, Data+Feminism Lab, MIT (Cambridge, MA)


Chaire Villes et numérique" : Des villes sous surveillance ? Espaces urbains, sécurité et numérique, Ecole Urbaine and Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée, Science Po, (Paris)


“How can #AI be used for Promoting & Monitoring development in Latin America?”, AI Latam SumMIT, MIT (Cambridge, MA)



Data Feminism (Berlin)


IGF Berlin


Paradoxos digitais: uma conversa sobre controle e liberdade, Olabi/Henrich Böll Stiftung (Rio de Janeiro)


"BID 60 years: Past, present and future of women's economic empowerment” (Washington DC)

"Consent to our Data Bodies", Lavits (Salvador)


“Deepfakes and synthetic media: Prepare yourself now", organized by Witness (São Paulo)


FAIR LAC, BID (Montevideo)


"Gendering Surveillance", presentation at the CitizenLab Summer Institute (Toronto)


From public to digital – solutions to address gender-based violence. IDRC (Toronto)


Work in progress...




Working meeting with Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women for the report on technology-enabled violence against women (Washington DC)


CitizenLab Summer Institute (Toronto)


Internet Liberdade de Expressão e Democracia: desafios regulatórios para garantia de direitos. FNDC (Brasília)


Netgain: Refiguring the Future (Chicago)


Rightscon (Toronto)


Algorítmo e Democracia, Casa Pública (Rio de Janeiro)


Decolonizing the Internet, Wikimedia Foundation (South Africa)


IFF (Valencia)


Seminário de Proteção a Privacidade e Dados Pessoais, CGI (São Paulo)


Transfeministech workshop, MIT (Cambridge, MA)


Women create (Berlin)


Transfeminist Speculative Tech, Mozilla (Berlin)


Workshop Hacking Hate (Barcelona)

Me, we and the machine, CREA Institute of Technology, Gender, Sexuality and Rights (Amsterdam)


Colaboramérica (Rio de Janeiro)


Work in progress...



Stories of Surveillance, MIT (Cambridge)

Chupadados, the hidden faces of our beloved technologies, Mozfest, London


Cryptorave (São Paulo):
"Expansion of Surveillance Apparatus in Brazil"

"Mobiles, what data do you carry in your pocket"

"Blowing the whistle: the role of investigative journalism in a surveillance world"

"Online gender violence and Anonymity"



"Money, data and surveillance: how gender bias affects your privacy"

"Feminist taking over of the web using ICTs"

"Owning our features: Risks and challenges of the uses of biometric technology in
Latin America"

"Are naked bodies harmful?"


Internet Freedom Forum (Valência)

"Bodies and Algorithms: a global feminist approach to period trackers"

Campaigning for privacy: sharing experiences, failures and victories"



“Digital Surveillance in Latin America: New Challenges, New Narratives", Latin
American In a Glimpse (Guadalajara)


Internet Governance Forum (Guadalajara):
"Chupadados: Unveiling Surveillance Practices in Latin America, lightning session
"Anonymity vs Online Gender Violence?", lightning session IGF


SaferNudes panel and workshop on digital security, HTMLLES (Montreal)

Derechos Sexuales y la Violéncia en Línea, Webinar with Tactical Tech

Digital Colonialism: a global overview, Re:publica (Berlin)


Internet Freedom Festival (Valência)
"Smart Cities, networks of people, networks of vigilance?"
"Projection of the documentary Net of Rights, Internet Freedom Festival"



IGF opening session (João Pessoa)

Internet Engineer Task Force, presentation of the film Net of Rights at the opening
plenary (Tóquio)

Connecting Cities, Connecting Citizens, Ars Electronica (Graz, Austria)

A deeper Frontier of Freedom: the state of the deepweb, Re:Publica (Berlin)

Colóquio Internacional de Direitos Humanos (São Paulo)

Internet Engineer Task Force, presentation of the Internet Draft Human Rights
considerations for Standards and Protocols (Hawai)

Privacy Session, Connecting the Dots: Options for the Future Action, UNESCO (Paris)



Unesco Roundtable, Freedom Online Coalition (Estonia)

"São Paulo and Beyond: the Future of Global Internet Governance", Rightscon (San

Shaping the Digital Environment – Ensuring our Rights on the Internet, Council of
Europe (Graz)



“Hacia la reunión de Brasil: ¿cómo podemos participar las organizaciones de la
sociedad civil de la región?”, LACRALO

Marco Civil e suas implicacoes para a liberdade de expressao no Brasil, OSF Media
Program Board (Rio)

Social Benefits of the Internet, Seoul Conference on Cyberspace (Seoul)

UNESCO: “Protecting journalists, bloggers and media actors in digital age”, IGF,

IGF Plenary Session: Emerging Issues Session (Bali)

"Wireless is Not Enough: Critical Perspectives on ICT4D, International Summit For
Community Wireless Networks (Berlin)


Work in progress...




































Contact: joana(at)codingrights(dot)com

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