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Executive Directress and Creative Chaos Catalyst at Coding Rights, a women-run organization working to expose and redress the power imbalances built into technology and its application, particularly those that reinforce gender and North/South inequalities. Technology and Human Rights Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy from Harvard Kennedy School and affiliated to the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Former Mozilla Media Fellow, she is co-creator of several creative projects operating in the interplay between activism, arts and technologies, such as,, #safersisters, Safer Nudes,, Net of Rights and She is also part of the groups of researchers who kick-started the working group on Human Rights Considerations for Standards and Protocols at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Brazilian, with Colombian ancestry, she is engaged in several international civil society networks, such as Privacy International Network, the feminist hackers collective DeepLab, the Open Observatory of Network Interference (Ooni), Al Sur, among others, always focused on bringing Latin American perspectives in the search of feminist techno-political frameworks for human rights based development, deployment and usages of technologies.


Diretora executiva da Coding Rights, organização feminista que se dedica a promover a compreensão sobre o funcionamento das tecnologias digitais, expondo e tentando reparar as assimetrias de poder embutidas no seu desenvolvimento, uso ou regulação, especialmente aquelas que reforçam desigualdades de gênero. Fellow de Direitos Humanos e Tecnologia do Carr Center for Human Rights Policy da Harvard Kennedy School. Afiliada ao Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, onde estuda métodos de ficção especulativa para trazer valores transfeministas ao desenvolvimento de Inteligência Artificial. Ex-Mozilla Media Fellow, é idealizadora de vários outros projetos criativos arte, ativismo e tecnologia, como,, #safersisters, Safer Nudes,, Net of Rights and Também fez parte do grupo que iniciou o grupo de trabalho sobre Considerações de Direitos Humanos para Standards e Protocolos no Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Brasileira, com descendência colombiana, é engajada em várias redes internacionais de sociedade civil, como a Privacy International Network, o coletivo de hackers feministas DeepLab, Open Observatory of Network Interference (Ooni), Al Sur, entre outros, sempre focadas em trazer perspectivas feministas Latino Americanas para análises techno-politicas necessárias para o desenvolvimentos e implementação de technologias.



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Oracle for Transfeminist Futures, presentation to Ford Tech Policy Fellows

Feb, 13


Chaire Villes et numérique" : Des villes sous surveillance ? Espaces urbains, sécurité et numérique, Ecole Urbaine and Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée, Science Po, Paris.


"Public Interest in Technology", Event: The Building Blocks on the Web 3.0, Berkman Klein Center at Harvard Law School






Contact: joana(at)codingrights(dot)com

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